Add layer of intelligence to your platform with carrier lookup

Carrier Lookup ConnexQ portal

Why use carrier lookup?

Know the details behind every phone number

Carrier lookup is primarily performed to know the validity, line type, carrier, location and fraud prevention of the number before contacting them through various ways like SMS or a calling. Having insight into the data will improve your CRM and outreach campaigns with personalization and segmentation.  Thus saving time and money by contacting the user during the appropriate time of day and through a correct channel. Risk scoring of telephone numbers is essential for fraud prevention purposes. Fraud prevention algorithms can then attach a higher risk to prepaid numbers or services like Google Voice, which are typically easier to activate than postpaid numbers.

Data access that fits your needs

Our ConnexQ data platform was designed with flexibility in mind and allows you to access carrier data based on your individual requirements.

Easy-to-use API

Use our API access to create your custom applications or integrate with legacy systems.

Bulk List Upload

No coding required. Simply upload your list of numbers and instantly get the result file.

Single Lookup

The dashboard allows you to input 1 number at a time without having to upload a list or setup the API.

Ready to start using carrier lookup data?

Create your ConnexQ account.

Carrier lookup Data Pricing

Weekly Lookups Minimum Per attempt
0- 125,000 $25
125,000-5,000,000 none $0.0002
5,000,000+ none contact sales for custom rate